11:28 PM
And like with Netaji mamatajio Swami! Government has issued a decree!
Two scholars of the two states with the upcoming festival will be pictures Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee districts have reached the official guidelines. The fierce debate is bound to pay for the youth welfare office can not recall. The guidelines of the 'sister' was provoked! So they're going to leave.Water garacche own!
Party programs as well as the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee government programs Charulata harabakhata coloring pictures. That period officially grassroots. But this time, the government guidelines, the official celebrations of the birthday of Lord Charulata scholars scholars viewed the photo shows mercy. Due to the opposition contesting the sister, the scholar? Sarda-stem shadows or leave mahatmye scholars seeking to share?
Two scholars birthday next January. Swami Vivekananda's birthday will be celebrated across the state on January 11 and 1 conscience consciousness festival. And Subhash Chandra Bose's birthday celebration will be held on January 3 X and 'Subhash festival. Two anusthanerai organizing youth welfare office. State of each block, the old area, Kolkata Municipal corporation in each borough and district level, these two ceremonies were clear guidelines for the youth welfare office, densely populated area of ​​30 feet by 10 feet in size will make the stage. 10-foot-by-3-foot size backstage Flex-banner with an image of the scholars have to become the Chief Minister. That conscience consciousness Festival Swami and Subhash Festival 'Netaji coloring with the Chief Minister, the picture will be well! Conscience festival 'of each of the 30 districts and Subhash Festival' 0 of the money would be given to the manual said.
The way 'Subhash festival organized at the bar first, but conscience Festival has been the past few years. Photo by scholars, however, grassroots Under Chief photos Government guidance is not new.In 01 of the blocks and the municipality level 'rakhibandhana Festival celebrations guide youth welfare department, said Chief pictures with portraits of Rabindranath Tagore Theatre phlekse keep.However, the government recently when cornered, and scholars in the way of the picture with the Chief Minister, the debate has brought new New directions.
Various fields of product marketing star or personalities namidami used techniques known in the world of advertising. The product is utilized to increase the acceptance of its application stars. This is an example displaying CPM MP Mohammad Salim, commented, "The Chief Minister may want to be illuminated by two scholars, as well as their own picture in! But the transfer does not Manisha! "Ritesh Tiwari BJP leader words," He's in touch with Saradha clear as the waters of the people. He will not be able to put pictures with scholars ink creams! "
In order to implement the guidelines established by Netaji Forward Bloc party would protest against the district. State secretary of the party's youth organization, Abdur Rauf said on Thursday, "Corruption at the Chief Minister with the scholars seeking to put your own pictures! We will not accept. "Youth League rally in Kolkata on Monday announced a formal protest to the effect of the senior leader Ashok Ghosh phaba.
As it happens, sister, brother Kartik Banerjee as the Vivekananda voluntary organization of bibekake Netaji birthday closed state has started to demand, then the one with the chief official Swami-Netaji seeking to enter the brackets! Karthik, however, do not see anything objectionable in this initiative. In his words, "the sake of public affairs, the promotion of the work may have pictures of the chief minister." But what is to be illuminated by the extent of Netaji or scholars like Swami Chief photo?Kartik said, "It depends on individual perspectives. I have no objection to this. "Opponents, however, become part of the family's objection sister can not speak!
What the government is saying? Youth Affairs Minister Arup believe a comment disagreeing with. But government sources say, past student-youth festival-Swami's name Netaji pharamanei guidelines have been released. The government said the lodge! In the words of one government official, "is now going to swallow, regurgitation is not! If you want an explanation to understand the guidance of the Chief took up the debate! "
'Scholars' sister did not indicate that the guidelines are in force!


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